Bille Laura
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Role | Veterinarian |
Structure | SCS4 – Epidemiology, Services and Research in Veterinary Public Health | |
Phone | +39 049 8084332 | | |
Professional profile
Laura Bille is a veterinary researcher at the Aquatic Epidemiology Unit – SCS4 Epidemiology Laboratory at IZSVe.
She has a degree in Veterinary medicine (University of Padua, 2010) and holds a postgraduate degree in “Breeding, hygiene, pathology of aquatic species and control of derived products” (University of Udine, 2013). She has been working at IZSVe since 2010, being involved in several projects on food safety and animal health of aquatic species by means of research temporary contracts.
Her research interest includes seafood safety, with particular reference to toxicology and ecology of chemical contaminants, and aquatic animal health. Furthermore, she studies the epidemiology of animal poisoning in northeastern Italian regions.
She mainly carries out research activities in the context of national and international projects and collaborations. She participates in the regional working group on the application of the European food safety legislation to shellfish production areas and she is involved in the activities of the National reference laboratory for fish, crustacean and mollusc pathology as an expert in data analysis and interpretation.
She is author and co-author of several publications including international peer-reviewed manuscripts, national and international proceeding of conferences and abstracts.
- Bille L, Crovato S, Manfrin A, Dalla Pozza M, Toson M, Franzago E, Pinto A, Mascarello G. Muzzolon O, Tosi F, Ravarotto L, Binato G. (2020). Mercury contents in commercial Billfish species of the Western Central Atlantic: Assessing the potential risks to human health of Billfish consumption. Food Control, 110, 107002.
- Panzarin V., Holmes E. C., Abbadi M., Zamperin G., Quartesan R., Milani A.,Schivo A., Bille L., Dalla Pozza M., Monne I., Toffan A. (2018). Low evolutionary rate of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) in Italy is associated with reduced virulence in trout. Virus Evolution, 2018, 4(2): vey019, pag. 1-11
- Bille L., Binato G., Gabrieli C., Manfrin A., Pascoli F., Pretto T., Toffan A., Dalla Pozza M., Angeletti R., Arcangeli G. (2017). First report of a fish kill episode caused by pyrethroids in Italian freshwater. Forensic Science International 281 (2017) 176–182
- Bille L., Toson M., Bordin P., Venuti M., Casarotto C., Benetti C., Lega F., Cocchi M., Palei M., Arcangeli G., Dalla Pozza M. Correlation between the occurrence of Dinophysis sp. blooms and Okadaic acid presence in mussels farmed in marine environment of north-eastern Italy: a preliminary study. Front. Vet. Sci. Conference Abstract: AquaEpi I – 2016. doi: 10.3389/conf.FVETS.2016.02.00061
- Bille L., Toson M., Mulatti P., Dalla Pozza M., Capolongo F., Casarotto C., Ferrè N., Angeletti R., Gallocchio F., Binato G. Epidemiology of animal poisoning: An overview on the features and spatio-temporal distribution of the phenomenon in the north-eastern Italian regions. Forensic Science International 266 (2016) 440–448.
- Bille L., Binato G., Toson M., Casarotto C., Dalla Pozza M., Arcangeli G., Cester G., Giusto A., Piccoli L. Determinazione di diossine, policlorobifenili, esaclorobenzene e idrocarburi policiclici aromatici in vongole veraci (Ruditapes philippinarum) della Laguna di Venezia: risultati del monitoraggio 2013. Atti del IV Convegno Nazionale SIRAM Società Italiana di Ricerca Applicata alla Molluschicoltura. Chioggia, 6 novembre 2015. Pg.17-18
- Abbadi M., Panzarin V., Fusaro A., Quartesan R., Toson M., Bille L., Dalla Pozza M., Toffan A., Cattoli G. Molecular Characterization And Evolution Of Italian VHSV And IHNV. Abstract Book of 17th International Conference on Disease of Fish and Shellfish. Las Palmas, 7-11 September 2015. Pg 325
- Losasso C., Bille L., Patuzzi I., Lorenzetto M., Binato G., Dalla Pozza M., Ferre’ N., Ricci A. (2015). Possible influence of natural events on heavy metals exposure from shellfish consumption: a case study in the north-east Italy. Front. Public Health. Volume 3:21. Pg 1-7
- Bille L., Binato G., Cappa V., Toson M., Dalla Pozza M., Arcangeli G., Ricci A., Angeletti R., Piro R. (2015). Lead, mercury and cadmium levels in edible marine molluscs and echinoderms from the Veneto Region (north-western Adriatic Sea Italy). Food Control 50 (2015) 362-370.
- Panzarin V., Abbadi M., Fusaro A., Toffan A. Quartesan R., Ceolin C., Bille L., Dalla Pozza M. Cattoli G. (2014). Molecular epidemiology and evolution of VHSV and IHNV in northern Italy in the past 20 years. Abstract Book of 9th International Symposium on Viruses of lower vertebrates. 1-4 October 2014. Malaga. Pg. 55-56