Interlaboratory proficiency testing

The Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie (IZSVe) organizes interlaboratory proficiency testing (PT) to analyze the quality of results through the AQUA proficiency testing platform, which includes different circuits according to the area of technical competence: food microbiology and diagnostic, fish disease, virology, serology and molecular biology.

The PT schemes are intended to:

  • ensure high quality, uniform, harmonized testing;
  • asses the reliability of testing personnel;
  • collate material concerning the results and diagnostic methods in use;
  • establish effectiveness and comparability of new procedures;
  • identify the performance characteristics of valid methods (collaborative trials);
  • verify the proper application of test methods;
  • suggest recommendations in case of detection of critical gaps in the techniques used;
  • improve quality assurance via corrective actions.
More details on the IZSVe quality assurance system and accreditation

The purpose of a quality assurance program is to assure that all laboratory testing is performed according to the principles of Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) and using robust diagnostic methods and procedures.

The IZSVe has invested a great deal in implementing a quality assurance system, which may guarantee innumerable advantages. These include a better internal organisation through the formalisation and application of procedures, leading to process optimisation. Definition of duties and responsibilities of all key staff is the first step to guarantee proof of the competence and quality of the work, satisfying the demand and the requests of external and internal customers aiming at continuous improvement.

Accreditation certifies the quality of the organization and verifies the conformity of the management system in compliance with the international regulatory requirements and legislations. The ultimate goal of laboratory accreditation is to achieve the standardization of laboratory management, and the fundamental purpose of the laboratory standardized management is to ensure the test results to be accurate and robust.

  • The IZSVe laboratories perform accredited tests in compliance with EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 (ACCREDIA accreditation number n. 0155). Culture medium and solutions for laboratory use are produced at the IZSVe Service Centre in compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 (Bureau Veritas certification number  EA12 n. IT280979)
  • In 2012 the Food microbiology (MA) PT circuit was accredited according to EN ISO/IEC 17043:2010 (ACCREDIA Accreditation number n. 0004)
  • Accreditation process of Avian Influenza and Newcastle Disease (IN) PT circuit is currently underway.

Circuits of AQUA platform

  • Food microbiology (MA): microorganism enumerations (quantitative methods) and microorganisms detection (qualitative methods)
  • Serology for bovine and swine diagnostics (SI): qualitative methods
  • Molecular biology for bovine and swine diagnostics (BM): qualitative methods
  • Microbiology diagnostics (MD): microorganisms detection (qualitative methods) and identification
  • Isolation, identification and Salmonella typing salmonella (SA): microorganisms detection (qualitative methods), identification and typing
  • Virology, serology and molecular biology diagnosis of avian influenza and Newcastle disease (IN): qualitative methods (detection and characterization)
  • Bacteriology of aquatic organisms (IB): microorganisms detection (qualitative methods) and , identification
  • Virology of aquatic organisms (IV): quantitative and qualitative (titration and identification)
  • Parasitology of molluscs (PM): qualitative methods
  • Rabies diagnosis (RV-D): qualitative methods


At the moment only the Virology, serology and molecular biology diagnosis of avian influenza and Newcastle disease (IN) PT circuit is active and available for European laboratories.

More information on the AQUA IN PT circuit can be found in the page of the EURL for Avian Influenza and Newcastle Disease proficiency testing.

The other circuits are available only for Italian laboratories, which can register through the AQUA section on the Italian version of the IZSVe website.