Binato Giovanni
Role | Chemist | |
Structure | SCS2 – Chemistry | |
Phone | +39 049 8084336 | | |
Professional profile
Giovanni Binato has collaborated with the Chemistry Department of the Istituto Zooprofilattico delle Venezie since 1991. He was hired indefinitely as chemical manager in 1999 and is currently Head of the Contaminants and biomonitoring laboratory.
He graduated in 1991 in Pharmaceutical chemistry and technology from the University of Ferrara. In the same year he obtained his licence to practice pharmacy. Degree in 1996 in Chemistry and Food Technology at the University of Bologna.
He works at the management of the control of contamination levels of certain organic (chlorinated pesticides, phosphorus, pyrethroids and persistent organic contaminants such as PCBs) and inorganic (heavy metals, trace elements) contaminants of food of animal origin and feed for livestock use, in accordance with institutional control and research activities (programmed control plans and special Regional and Ministerial monitoring plans). The laboratory also manages toxicological investigations based on analytical controls to ascertain the cause of death of animals (pets, food-producing animals and wildlife), the presence of toxic substances in samples of bait/food morsels suspected to have been poisoned, and autopsy reports, providing analytical support for veterinary diagnostics.
He has collaborated with laboratories internal and external to the Istituto Zooprofilattico (University of Padua, National Institute of Health, National Institute for Prevention and Environmental Research) in monitoring organic and inorganic contaminants in biota, as part of research projects and scientific collaborations. In the field of toxicology, he collaborates with the Forensic toxicology reference Centre of the Istituto Zooprofilattico of Lazio and Tuscany – Grosseto.
- De Liguoro M., Dalla Bona M., Gallina G., Capolongo F., Gallocchio F., Binato G., Di Leva V. – A monitoring of chemical contaminants in waters used for field irrigation and livestock watering in the Veneto region (Italy), using bioassays as a screening tool – Environ. Sci. Pollut. Research (2014) 21:3546-3557
- Brambilla G., Abete MC., Binato G., Chiaravalle E., Cossu M., Dellatte E., Miniero R., Orletti R., Piras P., Roncarati A., Ubaldi A., Chessa G. (2013) Mercury occurrence in Italian seafood from the Mediterranean Sea and possible intake scenarious of the Italian coastal population – Regul. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 2013, 65, 2, 269-277
- Gallocchio, F.; Segato,G.; Angeletti, R.; Biancotto, G.; Benetti, C.; Lorenzetto, M.; Chierin, E.; Binato, G.; Heavy metals contamination: shellfish as Venice lagoon bioindicator; Proceedings of 4th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis – Praga 4-6/11/2009
- Benetti C., Angeletti R., Binato G., Biancardi A., Biancotto G., A packaging contaminant: Isopropyltionxantone (ITX) in dairy products – Analytica Chimica Acta – 617 (2008) 132-138
- Gallocchio F, Angeletti R, Benetti C, Biancotto G and Binato G, Pesticide detection in animal poisoning: a ten years retrospective laboratory study – Proceedings of the 7th European Pesticide Residue Workshop – EPRW – Berlin 1-4/06/2008
- Benetti C., Piro R., Binato G., Angeletti R., Biancotto G., Simultaneous determination of lincomycin and five macrolide antibiotic residues in honey by liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LC-MSMS) – Food additives and contaminants (2006) – 23 (11): 1099-1108
- Binato G, Biancotto G, Piro R, Angeletti R, Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Screening and GC-MS determination of organotin compounds in marine mussels: an application in samples from the Venetian Lagoon, Paper – Fresenius’ Journal of Analytical Chemistry (1998) 361:333-337.
- Bonsembiante P, Piro R., Scalari F., Viel L., Binato G., Angeletti R., Indagine preliminare sulla presenza di metalli nei caprioli (capreolus capreolus) della provincia di Bolzano – Proceedings of the Convegno Nazionale di Ecopatologia della fauna selvatica, Bologna, Dicembre1994. Biologia della Selvaggina, Volume XXIV, Settembre 1996
- Binato G., Angeletti R., Piro R., Pesticides Contamination in animal tissues and foods, monitoring results 1993-1994-1995, Proceedings of the X Symposium Pesticide Chemistry, Piacenza, 1996
- Ferroni R., Simoni D., Binato G., Nastruzzi C., Manfredini S., Orlandini P., Feriotto G., Gambari R., N1-substituted benzamidines: synthesis, antiproteinase activity and inhibition of tumor cell growth, Il Farmaco, XLVI; 1991