Cereser Andrea

Andrea Cereser | IZSVe Role Director
Structure SCS8 – Food Industry Enhancement
Phone +39 0421 41361
E-mail acereser@izsvenezie.it

Professional profile

Andrea Cereser director ad interim of the SCS8 – Food Industry Enhancement of the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie (IZSVe).

He graduated in veterinary medicine in 1994 from the University of Bologna. After a short period working as a clinical veterinarian in the livestock and companion animals sectors, he devoted himself exclusively to hygiene and technology in the field of animal origin food production, working as a freelance consultant for agri-food companies and public bodies.

He deepened his skills in the field of hygienic-sanitary self-control systems, quality control and quality assurance. The sectors in which he is most involved are those of the meat supply chain, large-scale retail trade and catering. In 2004 he obtained a specialist diploma in “Inspection of Foods of Animal Origin” from the University of Padova. Since 2000, he has collaborated as a trainer and evaluator of quality systems (ISO 9000 series standards) with a leading Italian certification body, also dealing with product certification, controlled supply chain, traceability, HACCP, BRC, IFS (qualified auditor since 2004) and ISO 22000.

For years he has been employed in teaching activities on behalf of and/or at various bodies/institutes: faculties of veterinary medicine of several Italian universities, UNI – Italian Institute of Standardization, WHO – World Health Organisation, various regional authorities and ASL of Veneto, Sardinia, Calabria, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Autonomous Province of Bolzano (in many cases with ECM accreditation) on the following topics: quality management systems in food companies and veterinary services, self-control management systems in agri-food companies, food legislation, traceability, audit activities.

From 2002 to 2010 he was a member of the Board of Directors of SIVAR (Italian Society of Livestock Veterinarians) and from 2005 to 2010 a member of the editorial committee of “Large Animal Review”.

Since May 2006 he has been a veterinarian executive at IZSVe and he was Quality Manager from 2008 to 2013. Since May 2023, at the end of a period of leave for administrative duties, he has been responsible for the Food Chain Hygiene and Safety Laboratory of the IZSVe (San Donà di Piave, Venice). Since March 2024 he has been director ad interim of the SCS8.


  • Roccato A., Uyttendaele M., Barrucci F., Cibin V., Favretti M., Cereser A., Cin M.D., Pezzuto A., Piovesana A., Longo A., Ramon E., De Rui S., Ricci A. (2017). Artisanal Italian salami and soppresse: Identification of control strategies to manage microbiological hazards. Food Microbiol. 61:5-13.
  • Pezzuto A., Drigo I., Piovesana A., Bacchin C., Comin D., Leclercq A., Morvan A., Cereser A., Favretti M. (2013). Listeria monocytogenes in fresh and seasoned homemade salami: serotype prevalence. XVIII International Symposium on problems of listeriosis (ISOPOL XVIII) – Abstracts. Goa, India.
  • Carnieletto P., Cappelozza E., Terregino C., Cereser A. (2012) “Validazione di prove virologiche”. Qualità.
  • Pezzuto, A., Favretti, M., Piovesana, A., Cereser, A. (2012). Development of a simplified own-check model for micro-enterprises based on good hygiene practices. Food Safety Management 2012 Chipping Campden (UK).
  • Cibin V., Favretti M., Cereser A., Barrucci F., Dal Cin M., Pezzuto A., Longo A., Ramon E., De Rui S., Ricci A. (2011). Identification of control strategies to manage microbiological risks in typical pork products. Safe Pork 2011 Maastricht (The Netherlands).