Cibin Veronica

Dirigente IZSVe Role Veterinarian
Structure SCS4 – Epidemiology, Services and Research in Veterinary Public Health
Phone +39 049 8084163

Professional profile

Permanent veterinary manager since the end of 2008, Veronica Cibin carries out her activity at the SCS4 – Epidemiology, Services and Research in Veterinary Public Health of the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie (IZSVe).

She obtained the title of veterinary doctor in 2000 and of PhD in 2003 at the University of Padua and in 2007 the Specialization degree in Inspection of Food of O.A. at the University of Bologna. Since the end of 2003 at IZSVe has been working on the epidemiology of food zoonoses, with particular reference to Salmonella spp. and data management for risk assessment purposes.

Veronica Cibin is involved in research in the field of food safety and deals with the collection, management and analysis of data relating to microbiological hazards, with particular reference to salmonellae responsible for zoonoses. She also deals with epidemiological aspects related to antibiotic-resistance indicators and assessment of the resistance profile in livestock farms.

Since 2009 she has been part of the Zoonoses Monitoring Data network at the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

She collaborates with the Ministry of Health in the definition of technical-scientific aspects related to the national control plan of salmonellosis in poultry (PNCS). She partecipate in the national and regional working groups aimed at identifying criteria for the optimization of the application of the PNCS. She collaborates as an expert with the Ministry of Health in the evaluation of national data on salmonellae isolated from animals, food and feed that are collected by the SINZOO system.


  • Mancin, M., Barco, L., Losasso, C., Belluco, S., Cibin, V., Mazzucato, M., Bilei, S., Carullo, M.R., Decastelli, L., Di Giannatale, E., D’Incau, M., Goffredo, E., Lollai, S., Piraino, C., Scuota, S., Staffolani, M., Tagliabue, S., Ricci, A., 2018. Salmonella serovar distribution from non-human sources in Italy; Results from the IT-Enter-Vet network. Vet. Rec. 183, 69. doi:10.1136/vr.104907
  • Losasso, C., Di Cesare, A., Mastrorilli, E., Patuzzi, I., Cibin, V., Eckert, E.M., Fontaneto, D., Vanzo, A., Ricci, A., Corno, G., 2018. Assessing antimicrobial resistance gene load in vegan, vegetarian and omnivore human gut microbiota. Int. J. Antimicrob. Agents 0, 1–4. doi:10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2018.07.023
  • Österberg, J., Wingstrand, A., Nygaard Jensen, A., Kerouanton, A., Cibin, V., Barco, L., Denis, M., Aabo, S., Bengtsson, B., 2016. Antibiotic Resistance in Escherichia coli from Pigs in Organic and Conventional Farming in Four European Countries. PLoS One 11, e0157049. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0157049
  • Conficoni, D., Losasso, C., Cortini, E., Di Cesare, A., Cibin V, Giaccone, V., Corno, G., Ricci, A., 2016. Resistance to biocides in Listeria monocytogenes collected in meat-processing environments. Front. Microbiol. 7, 1–9. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2016.01627
  • Gallocchio, F., Cibin, V., Biancotto, G., Roccato, A., Muzzolon, O., Losasso, C., Simone, B., Manodori, L., Fabrizi, A., Patuzzi, I., Ricci, A., 2016. Testing nano-silver food packaging to evaluate silver migration and food spoilage bacteria on chicken meat. Food Addit. Contam. – Part A Chem. Anal. Control. Expo. Risk Assess. 33, 1063–1071. doi:10.1080/19440049.2016.1179794
  • Roccato, A., Uyttendaele, M., Barrucci, F., Cibin, V., Favretti, M., Cereser, A., Cin, M.D., Pezzuto, A., Piovesana, A., Longo, A., Ramon, E., De Rui, S., Ricci, A., 2017. Artisanal Italian salami and soppresse: Identification of control strategies to manage microbiological hazards. Food Microbiol. 61, 5–13. doi:10.1016/
  • Gerzova L, Babak V, Sedlar K, Faldynova M, Videnska P, Cejkova D, Annette Nygaard Jensen , Martine Denis , Annaelle Kerouanton , Antonia Ricci , Veronica Cibin , Julia Österberg , Ivan Rychlik “Characterization of Antibiotic Resistance Gene Abundance and Microbiota Composition in Feces of Organic and Conventional Pigs from Four EU Countries”. PLoS ONE 10(7): e0132892. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0132892.
  • S. Belluco, V. Cibin, R. Davies, A. Ricci & A. Wales “A review of the scientific literature on the control of Salmonella spp. in food-producing animals other than poultry” OIE World Organisation for Animal Health, ED. 2015, ISBN: 978-92-9044-982-9.
  • Cibin V, Mancin M, Pedersen K, Barrucci F, Belluco S, Roccato A, Cocola F, Ferrarini S, Sandri A, Lau Baggesen D and Ricci A, 2014. Usefulness of Escherichia coli and Enterobacteriaceae as Process Hygiene Criteria in poultry: experimental study. EFSA supporting publication 2014:EN-635, 121 pp.
  • De Liguoro M., Cibin V., Capolongo F., Halling-Sorensen B., Montesissa C. (2003) “Use of oxyteracycline and tylosin in intensive calf farming: evaluation of transfer to manure and soil” Chemosphere 52 pp. 203-212.