Mutinelli Franco

Franco Mutinelli | IZSVe Role Director
Structure Department of Experimental Veterinary Science and Animal Welfare
SCS3 – Diagnostic Services, Histopathology, Parasitology
National Reference Centre for Animal Assisted Interventions (Pet Therapy)
National Reference Centre for Beekeeping
Phone +39 049 8084287

Profilo professionale

Franco Mutinelli graduated in veterinary medicine at the University of Bologna and obtained the Diploma of the European College of Veterinary Pathologists (ECVP). He is the director of the Animal experimentation and welfare Division and of the SCS3 – Diagnostic Services, Histopathology, Parasitology Department. The department is composed by 4 Laboratories: Histopathology, Parasitology, Laboratory Medicine and the National Reference Centre for Beekeeping, and 3 Units, namely Molecular biology and TSEs, Blood Bank and Laboratory animal facilities. The activities in the field of beekeeping depends on the role of IZSVe as National reference laboratory, therefore it covers all the Italian territory and imply collaborations with DG-SANCO and the EU reference laboratory for honey bee health. Since june 2021 he is also Director of the National Reference Centre for Animal Assisted Interventions (Pet Therapy).

His main fields of activity concerns histopathological diagnostics in domestic, laboratory, zoo, fur and wild animals, fish pathology, poultry pathology and meat inspection; tumours; neuropathology and transmissible spongiform encephalopathies; honey bee diseases diagnosis and control and regulatory affairs.

Franco Mutinelli is also responsible for the management of the IZSVe laboratory animal house and the regulation on animals used for scientific purposes.

He is scientific advisor of research projects funded by the Italian Ministry of Health and Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry and he is involved in several national and international research projects too, such as COST ACTION FA0803 “Prevention of honeybee colony losses, COLOSS” (he is member of the Management Committee for Italy); Nolessbees, Eurostars Project E!5928: Optimizing a novel, safe and efficient RNA Interference protection strategy for honeybee Nosema disease; Apenet: monitoring and research in apiculture and BeeNet: network for apiculture and environment; BeeOshield – An innovative biomolecular defense against honey bee parasites (2019-2022).

He has been involved as lecturer in the initiatives Better Training for Safer Food (BTSF) “Animal Health of Bees” (2010-2017), Live animals-BIP “Import control of bees and bumblebees” (2017-2018) and “Companion animals movement” (2017-2018) of DG Santé, and TAIEX events concerning improvement of honey bee health and bee products (beneficiary: Egypt, North Macedonia, Jordan). He is member of the EU Expert Group on honey bee diseases.


  • Mutinelli F., Boldrin M. (2020): Working experience of an Animal Welfare Body at an Italian veterinary public health institution. Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research. Doi:
  • Bordin F., Dalvit C., Caldon M., Zulian L., Colamonico R., Trincanato S., Mock B., Reale S., Mutinelli F., Granato A. (2020): Genetic variability following selection for scrapie resistance in six autochthonous sheep breeds in Bolzano province (northern Italy). Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 137, published Early View 23 April 2020. DOI: 10.1111/jbg.12478
  • Martinello M., Manzinello C., Borin A., Avram L.E., Dainese N., Giuliato I., Gallina A., Mutinelli F. (2020): A survey from 2015 to 2019 to investigate the occurrence of pesticide residues in dead honey bees and other matrices related to honey bee mortality incidents in Italy. Diversity 12(1), 15;
  • Gray A., Adjlane N., Arab A., Ballis A., Brusbardis V., Charrière J.-D., Chlebo R., Coffey M. F., Cornelissen B., Amaro da Costa C., Dahle B., Danihlík J., Dražić M.M., Evans G., Fedoriak M., Forsythe I., Gajda A., de Graaf D. C., Gregorc A., Ilieva I., Johannesen J., Kauk L., Kristiansen P., Martikkala M., Martín-Hernández R., Medina-Flores C. A., Mutinelli F., Patalano S., Raudmets A., San Martin G., Stevanovic J., Uzunov A., Vejsnæs F., Williams A., Zammit-Mangion M., Soroker V., Brodschneider R. (2020): Honey bee colony winter loss rates for 35 countries participating in the COLOSS survey for winter 2018-2019, and the effects of a new queen on the risk of colony winter loss. Journal of Apicultural Research 59 (5), 744-751.
  • Granato A., Negrisolo E., Bonomi J., Zulian L., Cappa F., Bortolotti L., Mutinelli F. (2019): Recent confirmation of a single haplotype in the Italian population of Vespa velutina. Biological Invasions 21, 2811–2817.
  • Mazzei M., Cilia G., Forzan M., Lavazza A., Mutinelli F., Felicioli A. (2019): Detection of replicative Kashmir Bee Virus and Black Queen Cell Virus in Asian hornet Vespa velutina (Lepelieter 1836) in Italy. Scientific Reports 9:10091
  • Draiaia R., Borin A., Martinello M., Gallina A., Mutinelli F., Chefrour A. 2019): Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids in Some Algerian’s Honeys. World Journal of Environmental Biosciences 8(2), 29-40.
  • Bellucci V., Lucci S., Bianco P., Ubaldi A., Felicioli A., Porrini C., Mutinelli F., Battisti S., Spallucci V., Cersini A., Formato G. (2019): Monitoring honey bee health in five natural protected areas in Italy. Veterinaria Italiana 55 (1), 15-25.
  • Schäfer M.O., Cardaio I., Cilia G., Cornelissen B., Crailsheim C., Formato G., Lawrence A.K., Le Conte Y., Mutinelli F., Nanetti A., Rivera-Gomis J., Teepe A., Neumann P. (2019): How to slow the global spread of small hive beetles, Aethina tumida. Biological Invasions 21, 1451-1459.
  • Svečnjak L., Chesson L.A., Gallina A., Maia M., Martinello M., Mutinelli F., Muz M.N., Nunes F.M., Saucy F., Tipple B.J., Wallner K., Waś E., Waters T.A. (2019): Standard methods for Apis mellifera beeswax research. In: The COLOSS BEEBOOK – Volume III, Part 1: Standard methods for Apis mellifera product research. Editors: Vincent Dietemann, Peter Neumann, Norman Carreck and James D Ellis. Journal of Apicultural Research 58, No. 2, 1–108.
  • Moro A., Mutinelli F. (2018): Field evaluation of Maqs® and Api-Bioxal® for late summer control of Varroa mite infestation in Northeastern Italy. Journal of Apicultural Research 57, published on line 2 October 2018
  • Zanardello C., Pezzolato M., Capello K., Botta M., Baioni E., Mutinelli F., Vascellari M., Bozzetta E. (2018): An immunohistochemical approach to tackling the misuse of glucocorticoids in veal calves and beef cattle. Food Additives & Contaminants Part A published on line 10 October 2018
  • Facchini C., Iacopetti I., Gaudio E., Zotti A., Boldrin M., Fante F., Mutinelli F., Cozzi E., De Benedictis G.M. (2018): Endodontic treatment of canine teeth in a Macaca fascicularis. Laboratory Animals 52(3), 308-312.
  • Crestani C., Stefani A., Carminato A., Cro A., Capello K., Corrò M., Bozzato E., Mutinelli F., Vascellari M. (2018): In vitro assessment of quality parameters of CPDA-1 preserved feline blood collected by a new commercial closed system. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 2018 Apr 10. doi: 10.1111/jvim.15056.
  • Martinello M., Borin A., Stella R., Bovo D., Biancotto G., Gallina A., Mutinelli F. (2017): Development and validation of a QuEChERS method coupled to liquid chromatography and high resolution mass spectrometry to determine pyrrolizidine and tropane alkaloids in honey. Food Chemistry 234, 295-302.
  • Martinello M., Baratto C., Manzinello C., Piva E., Borin A., Toson M., Granato G., Boniotti M.B., Gallina A., Mutinelli F. (2017): Spring mortality in honey bees in northeastern Italy: detection of pesticides and viruses in dead honey bees and other matrices. Journal of Apicultural Research 56(3), 239-254.
  • Badaoui B., Fougeroux A., Petit F., Anselmo A., Cersini A., Granato A., Cucurachi M., Gorni C., Cardeti G., Inberg A., Gleit M., Formato G., Mutinelli F., Giuffra E., Paldi N., Botti S. (2017): RNA-sequence analysis of gene expression from honeybees (Apis mellifera) infected with Nosema ceranae. PLoS ONE 12(3): e0173438.
  • Mutinelli F., La Mancusa F., Grasso L., Giuliano A., Gallina A., Maroni Ponti A., Toson M. (2017): Plastic film wrapped supers full of honey are frozen in the extraction facility as a sanitising measure against Aethina tumida. Journal of Apicultural Research 56(2), 168-171.
  • Granato A., Zecchin B., Baratto C., Duquesne V., Negrisolo E., Chauzat M.-P., Ribière-Chabert M., Cattoli G., Mutinelli F. (2017): Introduction of Aethina tumida Murray 1867 (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) in the regions of Calabria and Sicily (Southern Italy). Apidologie 48(2), 194-203.
  • Martinello M., Dainese N., Manzinello C., Borin A., Gallina A., Mutinelli F. (2016): Retrospective evaluation of lead contamination in honey from 2005 to present in northeastern Italy and future perspectives in the light of updated legislation. Food Additives & Contaminants Part B 9, 198-202.
  • Porrini C., Mutinelli F., Bortolotti L., Granato A., Laurenson L., Roberts K., Gallina A., Silvester N., Medrzycki P., Renzi T., Sgolastra F., Lodesani L. (2016): The status of honey bee health in Italy: results from the nationwide bee monitoring network. PLoS ONE 11(5): e0155411.
  • Mutinelli F. (2016): Veterinary medicinal products to control Varroa destructor in honey bee colonies (Apis mellifera) and related EU legislation – An update. Journal of Apicultural Research 55(1): 78-88.
  • Montarsi F., Ciocchetta S., Devine G., Ravagnan S., Mutinelli F., Frangipane di Regalbono A., Otranto D., Capelli C. (2015): Development of Dirofilaria immitis within the mosquito Aedes (Finlaya) koreicus, a new invasive species for Europe. Parasites & Vectors 2015, 8:177.
  • Granato A, Giantin M, Ariani P, Carminato A, Baratto C, Zorzan E, Vascellari M, Bozzato E, Dacasto M, Mutinelli F. (2014). DNA and RNA isolation from canine oncologic formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues for downstream “-omic” analyses: possible or not? Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 26(1):117-124