National Authorities from countries bordering Ukraine (Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania) are in the process of checking all incoming dogs and cats. Pets which are not vaccinated against rabies will be administered the vaccine, although immunisation for all incoming animals cannot be guaranteed.
In a recent meeting with Member States and considering the emergency situation in Ukraine, the EU Commission has relaxed its restrictions to accept pets at border crossings. The animals will not be placed in immediate quarantine nor will the rabies titre test be needed. Such requirements will have to be met once the pet reaches its final destination.
For these reasons, the Italian Ministry of Health – after consulting the National reference centre for rabies of the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie (IZSVe) – has provided some measures and recommendations for companion animals entering Italy from Ukraine, in order to prevent and control any risks for refugees, for their animals and for all people present on the Italian national territory.
The main indications have been summarized in a leaflet, also made in Ukrainian and English.
Leaflet in Ukrainian (pdf) » Leaflet in English (pdf) »