Applied Science (MDPI), Special issue “Trends and Prospects in Animal Assisted Intervention (AAI)” [Call for papers]

2023-01-27T11:51:59+01:00January 26th 2023|Pet therapy (Animal Assisted Interventions), Research & Projects|

The Applied Science journal is planning a special issue titled "Trends and Prospects in Animal Assisted Intervention (AAI)”, with the aim to present recent trends in ...

Sex, age and height can influence learning in donkeys

2023-01-25T17:21:39+01:00December 13th 2022|Pet therapy (Animal Assisted Interventions), Research & Projects|

Donkeys are more than capable of learning! They are even more motivated to do so when promised a reward. In many animal species, the use ...

Contact with familiar people modulates horses’ heart rate

2021-11-02T15:52:20+01:00October 19th 2021|Pet therapy (Animal Assisted Interventions), Research & Projects|

Horses have an acknowledged capacity for distinguishing between people they know and people they don’t know. This ability suggests that familiarity level can influence horses’ ...

Completion of the implementation of the Italian National Guidelines for AAI on national territory

2020-04-14T18:21:35+02:00May 10th 2017|Pet therapy (Animal Assisted Interventions), Research & Projects|

In April this year, the implementation of the Agreement between the Government, the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano on the document ...

Doctors and Animal Assisted Interventions: first results of the nationwide survey

2020-04-14T18:23:34+02:00November 7th 2016|Pet therapy (Animal Assisted Interventions), Research & Projects|

There is little doubt that animals can have a positive effect on patients' psychological well-being. Many doctors of human medicine are also convinced of this, ...

Animal assisted interventions, award at the International Conference in Paris

2020-04-14T18:26:59+02:00August 3rd 2016|Pet therapy (Animal Assisted Interventions), Research & Projects|

Poster "The 3R principle: a reflection on its application in AAI" (click to enlarge) The 14th Triennal IAHAIO (International Association of Human-Animal Interaction ...

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