VetBioNet is an infrastructure project – funded by the European Commission in the context of Horizon 2020 – that aims to establish and maintain a comprehensive network of pre-eminent high-containment (BSL3) research facilities, academic institutes, international organisations and industry partners and is dedicated to catalyse research on epizootic and zoonotic diseases and to promote technological developments in Europe. The Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie is partner of the project.

VetBioNet is a network of pre-eminent high-containment (BSL3) research facilities, academic institutes, international organisations and industry partners and is dedicated to catalyse research on epizootic and zoonotic diseases, VetBioNet offer access to the BSL3 facilities and technical resources of the consortium as part of its Transnational Access Activities (TNA). The Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie is partner of the project.
VetBioNet offer access to the BSL3 facilities and technical resources of the consortium as part of its Transnational Access Activities (TNA). This free-of-charge access to animal studies, laboratory capacities or biological samples will be provided to researchers or enterprises proposing a sound project related to epizootic and zoonotic diseases. Academic and non-academic research groups, SMEs and industries can apply, but only to service infrastructures outside their own country.
Moreover, VetBioNet will offer access to sample collections available at partner institutes and produce on-demand samples. VetBioNet collections include viruses, bacteria, prions and animal study derived products (sera, tissues etc.).
Applications for TNA projects can be submitted at any time and will be processed within a pre-defined time schedule of approximately 6 weeks. Users of the services will be selected via a two-step selection process including an independent scientific peer review. The selected projects will then be able to commence work within VetBioNet shortly after notification. The Final Call will remain open until October 30, 2021.
For more information about the services offered by VetBioNet, the eligibility criteria and the application process, as well as to submit your application/request, please visit:
If you have any specific questions, you can contact the TNA Access Point at:
Further details of the VetBioNet project can be found on the official website ( and here:
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