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So far Redazione has created 178 blog entries.

IZSVe and IILA – the Italian-Latin American Institute, joining forces for international cooperation

2024-10-16T10:50:30+02:00October 9th 2024|International cooperation|

Today an international cooperation agreement has been signed between the IZSVe and the Italian-Latin American Institute (ILLA), an international organisation with representatives of 20 Latin ...

IZSVe supports Ukraine to implement rabies diagnosis

2024-10-16T15:10:09+02:00October 8th 2024|International cooperation, Rabies, Research & Projects|

From 23 September to 4 October 2024 and thanks to the financial support of UN-FAO, the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie (IZSVe) hosted a two-week ...

IZSVe at the First FAO Global Conference on animal health, vaccines, and sustainable livestock [Gallery]

2024-10-02T12:24:34+02:00September 20th 2024|Avian influenza & Newcastle disease, Beekeeping & Honey bee health, International cooperation, Rabies, Research & Projects, Training & Events|

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is organizing its first-ever Global Conference on Animal Health Innovation, Reference Centres and Vaccines from ...

African swine fever: risk perception among farmers and hunters is high but biosecurity needs improving and cooperation needs strengthening

2024-11-05T15:18:42+01:00September 10th 2024|Research & Projects|

African swine fever (ASF) poses a threat to animal health and the pig industry. Management of this epidemic disease, in Italy as in the rest ...

Entomological surveillance of West Nile virus, 2% positivity in mosquitoes

2024-08-30T15:38:27+02:00August 30th 2024|Diseases at the animal/human Interface, Monitoring & Prevention|

Viral circulation in Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia is moderate. Wild birds and horses have also tested positive. The number of imported dengue fever cases ...

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