The epidemiological situation of avian influenza in Europe is in rapid evolution, with a growing number of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) cases reported in wild birds and poultry in several countries. All EU member states are urged to intensify surveillance and to increase biosecurity measures in order to detect as early as possible the circulation of HPAI and to prevent incursions in the domestic poultry sector.
Also, since 19 October 2021 the National Reference Laboratory (NRL) for Avian Influenza and Newcastle Disease confirmed as positive for HPAI virus various poultry farms in Italy. Most of the viruses were characterized as subtype H5N1. The positivities concern primarily industrial farms, mainly meat turkey farms in Verona province. Moreover, since 9 November 2021, the NRL for Avian Influenza and Newcastle Disease confirmed the positivity to the HPAI virus of subtype H5N1 in wild birds.
Updated information on the epidemiological situation in Europe and Italy is availabile at these pages:
Avian influenza in Europe: update – Avian influenza in Italy: update.