Raw milk, an online videogame to communicate the risk to young people

2020-04-14T18:23:42+02:00October 11th 2016|Food safety, Research & Projects|

An IZSVe research study investigated perceptions regarding food risks related to milk consumption among teenagers, and has developed an educational video game to let ...

The state of bee health in Italy. National monitoring results.

2020-04-14T18:26:32+02:00September 13th 2016|Beekeeping & Honey bee health, Research & Projects|

There is no single underlying cause for bee die-off. The most probable contributing factors include pesticide use, bee diseases, beekeeping practices and climate change. ...

Animal assisted interventions, award at the International Conference in Paris

2020-04-14T18:26:59+02:00August 3rd 2016|Pet therapy (Animal Assisted Interventions), Research & Projects|

Poster "The 3R principle: a reflection on its application in AAI" (click to enlarge) The 14th Triennal IAHAIO (International Association of Human-Animal Interaction ...

What kind of water do our animals drink? The water quality in North-East Italy farms

2020-04-14T18:28:31+02:00January 26th 2016|Research & Projects|

Previous studies have demonstrated that some chemical-physical characteristics of water might interfere with drug (antimicrobials and antielminthics) dissolution and stability, with the subsequent likelihood ...

Colloquium on human-animal interaction and the legal system, Lyon

2020-04-14T18:28:47+02:00November 26th 2015|Pet therapy (Animal Assisted Interventions), Research & Projects|

The National reference center for animal-assisted intervention (NRC AAI) has been invited by the A&P Sommer Foundation to give a presentation during the Colloquium “Justice ...

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