Food allergies: training the teachers to protect children
A research of the Osservatorio IZSVe shows that teachers feel they are not prepared to manage food allergies at school. Less than one third ...
A research of the Osservatorio IZSVe shows that teachers feel they are not prepared to manage food allergies at school. Less than one third ...
Outbreaks due to the main pathogenic human vibrios are mainly associated to the consumption of raw or partially cooked molluscs and crustaceans Fish ...
Washing fruits and vegetables is the only way to reduce microbial pathogens, both at domestic and industrial level. In the summertime the consumption ...
Researchers of the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie have recently published in the journal Plos Currents, a study concerning the vaccination's effectiveness against pandemic H1N1 ...
Some autochthonous mountain cattle breeds, like Alpine Grey and Burlina in Northern Italy, are decreasing due to their substitution with more productive and highly ...
The results of a study carried out by IZSVe have been published regarding the feasibility of avoiding tail docking in Italian heavy pigs. Tail biting ...